Leverage The Power or Point Cloud Scanning
We’re proud top offer the latest cutting edge technology to our clients projects. Early in 2022 we introduced Point Cloud Scanning service, a great complement to our architectural services.
What is Point Cloud Scanning?
Point cloud scanning is the process of using a 3D laser scanner to capture different points in 3D space. Those points include the coordinates in 3D space, color of the material and it’s reflectiveness.
When mapped out graphically, those points create a picture that can be used to understand relationships, measure volumes and collect vast site data.
100's of Thousands of Laser Points
A specialized scanner captures 270 degrees at a time, bouncing a sophisticated laser off all the surrounding surfaces to capture their coordinates, color as well as overall luminescence.
Capture Everything On Site
Using powerful software, point cloud scanning data is assembled rendering tens of thousands of points into a singular model. If it can reflect light, it will be captured inside the model up to a distance of 150m.
Experience Any Location on Site
Whether were talking inside or out, point cloud scanning is an amazingly powerful tool able to capture every nook and cranny.
The point cloud is then inserted into our BIM model allowing for precision measurement, understanding relations between elements and furthering our ability to integrate a seamless addition & renovation for your project.